Revit - Organic Form

download example conceptual mass family

Select the form and click Edit Profile, cancel
then select X-Ray and move points.
Then import into a project and use Wall by Face

Create a new conceptual mass with the metric template.

This template will have a level and two reference planes.

Create more levels by control dragging the existing level.

Choose reference plane from the modify tab - draw section.

Choose the pick line option and set the offset to 10m.

Five levels and five X and Y planes should be sufficient.

From the draw section, choose reference lines and then point.

Add the point elements to the grid from the top view.

These points can then be moved along the red, green and blue axis.

Model splines are then drawn through the points, press escape to end.

Once all the splines are drawn, they are ready for a surface form.

Select all the splines and click create form.

If the form creation fails simplify the splines or reduce the number.

If no project is open, create a new one.

Load the organic form into the open project.

Control Tab to switch windows.

Dissolve the form, in order to revert to the splines.

The points can then be adjusted.

And the modified form recreated.

Splines themselves can also be dissolved to add extra control points.

Orbit the view before redrawing the splines.

The form can also be reshaped by dragging points.

Use the space bar to switch to the red green and blue grid.

framed form!